Use mindfulness to care for grief and fear
In the days following the election I have been experiencing shock, grief and fear. These five mindfulness practices have helped me to care for these strong emotions. My hope is they can help you too. Do something nice for yourself! Give yourself a pleasant experience. It may be a walk on the beach (that’s what I […]
Fireflies: Pleasant, Unpleasant, Neutral
Augusta offers a Dharma Talk at SF Sangha on the Buddhist ideas of pleasant, unpleasant and neutral. She uses fireflies as an example of how the pleasant can become unpleasant if we are chasing after it or trying to posses it.
The Four Noble Truths, SF Sangha 13 May 2015
Augusta’s first Dharma Talk for SF Sangha in the new space (San Francisco’s Bethany United Methodist Church). The subject was The Four Noble Truths with a Thich Nhat Hanh twist. 1) There is a cause of happiness. 2) Happiness can be cultivated or sustained. 3)There is a cause of dissatisfaction. 4) Dissatisfaction can be eased.
The River
I love this story by Thich Nhat Hanh about a river and clouds. May you come to see what your clouds are and be free from clinging to them. It can be found on page 130 of Peace is Every Step. Once upon a time there was a beautiful river finding her way among the […]
Letting Go and Letting Be
Letting Be is one of the 8 Attitudinal Practices that is core to MBSR. Here, in this video Jon Kabat-Zinn talks about this concept of letting be or letting go.