Use mindfulness to care for grief and fear
In the days following the election I have been experiencing shock, grief and fear. These five mindfulness practices have helped me to care for these strong emotions. My hope is they can help you too. Do something nice for yourself! Give yourself a pleasant experience. It may be a walk on the beach (that’s what I […]
21 Ways to Reduce Stress
21 Simple Ways to Reduce Stress with Ease Adapted from Saki Santorelli, University of Massachusetts Center for Mindfulness. There are some simple things you can do right now that help with stress. Why not choose three that would be easy for you to do today? Take a few minutes in the morning to be quiet and meditate, […]
Tara Brach – R.A.I.N.
R.A.I.N can be a powerful practice. R = recognize A = allow I = investigate N = non-identification (not me, not mine) Enjoy this short guided mediation on working with difficult emotions, by using R.A.I.N. Keep exploring and see for yourself how it can benefit you. Tara Brach – Working With Difficulties.
Mindfulness Meditation Timer
There are more and more smart phone apps designed to encourage mindfulness practice. Insight Timer is one of the most popular. In addition to I-Qi it is a wonderful timer to support formal sitting practice. I learned of i-qi clock (pronounced Eye-Chi ~ qi as in qigong) from one of my MBSR students in 2011 […]
Bells of Mindfulness
There are so many bells of mindfulness…car alarms, honking horns, the Tuesday noon “emergency siren,” church bells, stop lights anything can be a reminder for us to come back to ourselves, come back to our breath and to check in. We might even STOP (Stop, Take a breath or three, Observe how we are doing […]